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Welcome to Round Table Games' Blood Bowl Page!

Blood Bowl

Experience the Ultimate Game of Fantasy Football

"Welcome, sports fans!"

Blood Bowl is the game of ultra-violent sports mayhem, where you take on the role of coach for a motley team of players battling for gridiron supremacy.

The action is fast and furious, but if you keep your head in the game, then fame, wealth, and glory may await...

Blood Bowl is set in a fantasy world of Humans, Orks, Elves, Dwarves, and Ogors who sometimes stop squabbling among themselves for just long enough to settle old scores – and make money – on the Blood Bowl pitch.

We will have 1 division per every 4 players

We have enough pitches/ range rulers to run at least 3 matches concurrently

Additional rules/ leagues will be added in as they are researched

League Rules

  • A learn-to-play session can be requested for free.  Otherwise table fees apply 

  • If the models you are fielding for a team are not Games Workshop official (3-d printed, 3rd party, etc.)  there is an additional $5 alternate-team pitch fee per game.  We sell most teams.  If a model is not available from us, ask us about substitute pieces.

  • If your team is 100% accurate for models, fully painted, and based you get 1 team re-roll per game.  If GW does not currently make a model for a piece that you are fielding, that piece is excused for accuracy.  This re-roll does not increase your team's value (it is a hobby bonus)

  • If you do not own a Blood Bowl Team, you may rent 1 from Round Table Games for $10 per match ($5 if you are a Knight)

  • We start in the Year 2501.  Once all Cups have been awarded the year will increase by 1

  • You must face each other team in your division twice, but the second match can only occur after you have faced every other team at least once.  Any other games will be considered cross division friendlies (no MVP and no league points) After each team has played each other team twice, we will have a playoff for a cup.  The team that wins that cup will retain the benefit until that cup comes up for contention again, as long as they display the physical trophy on the table during their match.  The expectation is that each team will be able to play at least 1 game per week.  The time limit between cups is 1 week per possible match-ups.  Any matches not completed before the time limit counts as a loss for both teams unless 1 coach voluntarily concedes.

    • League points​

      • Game win = 3​

      • Game draw = 1

      • Game loss = 0

      • Score 3 or more touchdowns = 1

      • Concede 0 touchdowns = 1

      • Cause 3 or more casualties that generate SPP = 1

      • Fail to play a game challenge = -3​

  • We will be using the latest published rules from the Second Season Edition

  • If the score is tied at the end of a game, the players may play a single half overtime round (if both players have time)

  • The Shoot-out tie-breaker rules will only be used when playing semi-finals and cup games.

  • Any post-game rolls not witnessed by your opponent must be made by the league manager via dicebot

  • Referee Rules will be used (Spike Almanac 2021).  The Ref will be chosen randomly: 1-4 Generic Referee, 5 Elnos Lawkeeper, 6 Redkur Forgebeard

  • You have 1,000,000 gold pieces to spend on players, sideline staff, team re-rolls, etc.

  • Once teams have been drafted we will hold a Star Player Long-Contract Signing round.  The signed players will only play for their contracted team during that Cup run.(Spike Almanac 2021)

  • You must submit a team roster to the league manager (Chris).  Let me know what team you want and I'll send you your choices.  All of your players must be named


Normal League

  • Allowed Teams

    • Amazon (Spike 15) (optional Crystal Skull, Snake-Swallowed Balls)

    • Black Orc ​

    • Chaos Chosen (Khorne optional Cursed Khornate or Skull Balls) (Spike 13))

    • Chaos Dwarf (optional Curse of Stone, Hot Rock balls)(Spike 18)

    • Chaos Renegade

    • Dark Elf

    • Dwarf

    • Elven Union

    • Gnomes (Spike 17) (optional Oversized Acorn, and Gnomish Idol balls)

    • Goblin (add Sneaky Gits from Spike 11)

    • Halfling

    • High Elf (Team of Legend)

    • Human

    • Imperial Nobility (optional Gem-Encrusted, Welded Steel Balls)

    • Lizardmen

    • Necromantic Horror (optional Pumpkin, Stitched Brain Balls Spike 11)

    • Nurgle

    • Ogre

    • Old World Alliance

    • Orc (optional Gem-Encrusted, Welded Steel Balls)

    • Shambling Undead

    • Skaven

    • Snotling (add Sneaky Gits from Spike 11)

    • Tomb Kings (Team of Legend)

    • Underworld Denizens

    • Vampire Teams (Spike 16) (optional Batt and Restrained Vargling Balls - Spike 16)

    • Wood Elf

  • Cups

    • The Spooky Skull Cup (Sylvania); during all games new inducement End Zone Spirits; 0-1;50k (Spike 11) is available; All games use Dark of Night Weather Table and Sylvanian Kick-Off Table  (Spike 11); The first half of each game is played during Fading Light, the second half in Dead of Night (Spike 11) Cup winner gets, at the start of each game roll a d6.  On a 4+ your opponent loses a single re-roll for the duration of the game.

    • The Crimson Chalice Challenge; add 100K to team budget; a noble wagers is placed before each game; special inducement Wandering Haemomancer; 0-1; 150k; any team; special weather and kick off table; matches will be played on A Soft Landing/ Raging Inferno Board; Cup winner gets At the start of each game randomly select a player on your team that is eligible to play in the game.  The chosen player gains the Frenzy and Juggernaut skills until the end of the game.

    • The Icebowl; you must pick a sponsor; special inducement available Norscan Seer; 0-1; 50k; any team (Spike 14); special weather and kick-off table used; Matches will be played on  Frozen Surface? Fragmented Surface (Spike 14); Cup winner gets At the start of each game, roll a D6, on a 4+ your team gets an extra team re-roll for the duration of the game

    • The Jungle Bowl (Lustria); special locals, weather, kick-off tables used; special inducement; Ancient Artefact; 0-1; 50k; any team (Spike 15); Matches will be played on Jungle Flood/ Torrential Downpour pitches (Spike 15)The Jungle Bowl Cup winner gets At the start of each game, randomly select a player on your team that is eligible to play in the game.  The selected player gets +1 AG, to a max of 2+, or the Dodge skill until the end of the game

    • Orcidas Team of the Year (Blackfire Pass): winning team gives 1 random player +1AV (Spike 3)

    • The Cursed Skull Goblet; You must choose a Chaos God as your patron; a special inducement Chaos Totem; 0-1; 50k is available to all teams; a special weather and kick-off table will be used; and a special end of game sequence will be employed.  The first half of each game will be played on a Skull-Strewn Surface with a chance it becomes Bloodlsick at he end of each drive

    • The Elven Luckstone Award (Hoeth, Ulthuan); during semi-finals and finals one random player on each team (that does not already have the Pro or Loner skill)  gains the Pro skill for the duration of the match: The team that wins the cup gains an additional team re-roll for the season.  The MVP of the winning team gains the Pro skill.(Spike 3)

    • ABC (Associated Broadcasting Conjurers) Cup (Nuln); during semi-finals and finals the team that wins the FAME will count as having that many extra cheerleaders (+1 or +2) for the game; The winning team will gain a bonus +1 FAME (to a max of +3) for the first D3 games in the next regular season.(Spike 3)

    • The Kroxidon Cup (Lustria); add inducement Team Mascot; 0-1; 50k, any team (Spike 7); special weather & kick-off & Stadia table table used; winning team gets a benefit based on team (Shambling Undead, Necromantic Horror, Tomb Kings and Vampire Teams get Igor, Mortuary Assistant; Nurgle teams get a Plague Doctor; all other teams get a Wandering Apothecary)

    • The Fey Forest Cup; uses illusionary balls; special inducement Healing Spites; 0-1; 50k; any team; weather, kick off table, special pitch rules; Cup winner gets Whenever your team uses a team re-roll, roll a D6.  On a 6, the Team Re-roll is free and you do not reduce the number of team Re-rolls your team has available. (Spike 17)

    • The Obsidian Ziggurat Trophy; uses Down and Dirty rules; special inducement Chaos Dwarf Sorcere; 0-1; 150k; any team; weather, kick off table, special pitch rules; Cup winner gets At the beginning of each half, gain one additional team re-roll. (Spike 18)

    • Cabalvision All-Star Spectacular; An exhibition game using drafted Star Players (including any you have created) to be battled out between the two Teams with the best records for the season

      • End of Season League Awards

        • First Place​

        • Second Place

        • Third Place

        • Most Sporting Coach

          • The coach that receives the most favored opponent votes at the end of the season

        • Best Painted Team

          • The coach that receives the most votes at the end of the season

        • Wooden Spoon

          • For the team that finishes at the bottom of the league has the honor of propping up the table

        • Griff Oberwald's Golden Gloves

          • For the team that scores the most touchdowns during the season

        • Mighty Zug's Wall o' Steel

          • For the team that concedes the fewest number of touchdowns during the season

        • Max Spleenripper's Carnage Cup

          • For the team that inflicts the most casualties as a result of Blitzing, Blocking, or pushing opposition players into the crowd during the season

        • Matron McGeary's Most Patched-Up

          • For the team that has the most the most casualties inflicted upon them as a result of Blitzing, Blocking, or pushing opposition players into the crowd during the season

        • Dirty Dan's Filthiest Git

          • For the team that has the most players Sent-off as a result of committing a Foul action (do not count those Sent-off by the Secret Weapon trait) during the season

        • The Stunty Cup Award

          • For the team that places highest in the rankings with a Tier 3 team

  • Sequence of Play

    • Start of Game Reporting

      • Submit a team to the League Commissioner​

      • Once all teams have been submitted we will attempt to sign Star Players to Long-Term Contracts (Almanac 2021 p. 125)

    • Challenge Phase

      • Arrange match with a team in your division that  you have not yet faced this season.  If you have faced all other teams at least once, choose a team you have faced only once​

      • Once all teams have faced all other teams in the division twice, the semi-finals begin

      • You may play other matches but they are counted as "friendlies"

    • Pre-Game Sequence 

      • Roll Stadia details (unless a semi-final or cup final), or a resident team is playing a home game (1 of each game you play against a team is a home game, the other is an away game) Death Zone p. 60

      • The Fans (Core p. 37)

      • The Weather

        • roll for which weather table is being used (unless a semi-final or Cup final match)​ (12-16 is normal)

      • Take on Journeymen

      • Inducements

      • ​The Prayers to Nuffle Table

      • Determine Kicking Team

        • Randomly determine referee​ (Almanac 2021 p. 146) (4-6 normal)

    • Star of Drive Sequence​​

      • Set-Up​

        • Set up Referee after both teams have set up​

      • Kicking team decides whether they are using an unusual ball (Death Zone p. 69)

      • The Kick-off

      • The Kick-off Event

    • Team Turns

      • Receiving Team's Turn

        • Roll a D16 for Match Event unless 1 has occurred this half​

      • Kicking Team's Turn

        • Roll a D16 for Match Event unless 1 has occurred this half

      • Referee moves​

    • End of Drive Sequence​​

      • Deal with Secret Weapons​

      • Recover Knocked-Out Players

      • The Drive Ends

    • Post-Game Sequence​​

      • Record Outcome and Winnings​

        • Attempt to become resident team of a stadium in which you just played​ (Death Zone p. 66)

      • Update Dedicated Fans

      • Roll for Sponsorship (Death Zone p. 57)

      • Player Advancement

      • Hiring, Firing, and Temporary Retiring

        • Attempt to find a Sponsor​

      • Expensive Mistakes

      • Prepare for Next Fixture

    • Finals Sequence (if last game has been played)​​

      • Glittering Prizes​

      • Re-Drafting

        • R&R

        • Raise Funds

        • Re-Draft

      • Start New Season​​​


Dungeon Bowl League

  • Allowed Teams

    • College of Beasts (Spike 14)

    • College of Death (Spike 16)

    • College of Heavens: Amazon (Spike 15)

    • College of Heavens: Norse (Spike 14)

    • College of Shadow (Spike 17)

  • Rules

    • Multiplayer games will be allowed (Spike Almanac 2021)


Stunty League

  • Allowed Teams

    • Stunty teams only (some additional teams to be added)

      • Black Orcs (only Goblin Bruisers and Trained Trolls)​

      • Gnomes

      • Goblins

      • Halflings

      • Lizardmen (no Saurus Blockers)

      • Ogres

      • Snotling

      • Underworld Denizens (only Underworld Goblin Linemen, Underworld Snotlings, Underworld Trolls and Mutant Rat Ogres)

  • Cup

    • Stunty Cup (in and around Dreiflusen, the Halfling Moot)); must be played at a rough and ready or otherwise suitable stadia (you cannot become resident or take ownership - it's a pop-up).  A special kick-off table is used.  Winning Team gets +D3 fan factor (to a max of 18), +D3 assistant coaches, +D3 cheerleaders


Gutter Runner League

Blood Bowl Sevens League

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Regular season play 9/1/24 - 10/27/24

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